Final Project Summary: WordClock2.0
A WiFi connected, RGB LED clock that tells the time in words
more ...A WiFi connected, RGB LED clock that tells the time in words
more ...Some initial software and fixing light leakage
more ...Designing power and signal routing PCBs for the WS2812b strips
more ...Laser cutting, never-come-apart-again-fit construction and PCB mounting
more ...ESP8266, WS2812b and a DS3232 RTC
more ...It's CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and all on GitHub
more ...Building a drawing machine
more ...Spec'ing out a final project - WordClock2.0
more ...Writing an Android app that interfaces to the word clock over WiFi
more ...Using the ESP8266 to drive a custom I2C character LCD
more ...Creating a composite part from burlap and epoxy
more ...A custom PSoC 4 board to drive a 16x2 character LCD display
more ...PSoC 4 CapSense buttons and reading temperature using a TMP275
more ...Machining a positive in wax, casting a negative mould in silicone and then casting some parts in plaster and plastic
more ...Making a table on a large format CNC machine
more ...Designing a breakout board/shield for the CY8CKIT-049 4200 dev kit, including making a solder paste mask from a Kapton sheet
more ...Getting started with PSoC 4: flashing some WS2812b LEDs
more ...Using KiCad to design a test board for WS2812 LEDs with an ATtiny85
more ...Scanning a person, fixing the mesh in MeshMixer and printing a bust
more ...Scanning a broken oven knob on the Modela and printing it
more ...Make a FabISP (In-circuit Serial Programmer)
more ...A press-fit cardboard WordClock2.0 (and some vinyl cutting)
more ...Design, make and document a press-fit construction kit
more ...Making a 3D model in Inventor of WordClock2.0
more ...AKA "Stuff I want to make"
more ...Making a website and planning a final project
more ...